Special Initiatives
Bridges Health is committed to responding to current and emerging issues in health and social care. Our current work involves special emphasis in these important local, state, and national issues:
- Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia (Screening, Health Promotion, Information/Assistance/Referral)
- Integration of Preventive Oral Health and Physical Wellness
- Long COVID Screening, Health Promotion, Information, Assistance, and Referral

Tobacco & Vaping Mitigation, Health Promotion & Education
Through partnership with the American Lung Association’s Lung-Mind Alliance, we are working to address system, community, and individual-level impacts of tobacco and vaping usage. Select providers have completed the Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training and we partner with other organizations to bring this service to individuals who will benefit from support.
For additional information, explore the lungmindalliance.org.

Bridges Health, in collaboration with Winona County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) and Winona Senior High School, offer the American Lung Association’s evidence based INDEPTH (Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco, and Health) program.
INDEPTH provides high school students an alternative to citation when facing consequence for violation of school tobacco use policies. Bridges Health students co-facilitate this educational programming on nicotine dependence and strategies for a healthier lifestyle.

Evidence-based education providing culturally appropriate sex education
using an innovative app. This program reaches girls and women ages 14+,
focusing on girls and women who self-identify as Latina. Special thanks
to the Women's Fund of Greater La Crosse for supporting our work in this
area through a community grant.